This family is an ANLC success story.

Helping Build Families, One Miracle At A Time®

A Leading Independent Adoption Center providing caring professional adoption services for birth mothers and adoptive parents nationwide.

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Available 24/7 to Answer Your Adoption Questions

Our services are nurturing and loving, and our entire staff is dedicated to helping guide everyone in the adoption triad through the adoption process with integrity and complete support.

Call Now 1-800-FOR-ADOPT(367-2367)Call Now 1-800-367-2367

Parenting Information

That moment you get home, with your new little one and all your flowers and balloons, and the doctors and nurses are gone and you ask yourself, “What do I do now?”

Adoption Education & Information Knowledge Hub

Adoption is a unique journey for Adoptive Parents, for Birth Parents and for Adoptees. It is often an uncharted journey as well, which leads to questions and uncertainties. That is why we strongly emphasize the importance of adoption education.

Visit Our Knowledge Hub

Adoption Laws & Information by Region

Before an adoption can take place, there are specific regional laws and qualifications concerning adoption that must be met. To help you navigate the laws, we’ve provided a list of information according to each region.

Hear from our Happy Families Success Stories

Although it took us about 1
year to get all our paperwork in (including 2 home studies in different states), within 2.5
months of being added to the ANLC website, we were blessed with a beautiful
little boy!

- Keith and Christina

We are so grateful for being introduced to Adoption Network Law Center. The staff supported both our family and the birthparents, answering questions and providing sound advice based on experience. My husband and I, in describing Adoption Network Law Center to others, always comment on the staff’s commitment to finding the right match and promoting the interest of the adopted baby. We have since referred two couples to Adoption Network Law Center and we intend to sign up with your agency again.

- Kathleen M.

Our adoption experience has been storybook. We were blessed with an awesome birthmother, her supportive parents and family, the caring support of Adoption Network Law Center.

- Eddie, April and Nathan

We were really surprised at the
individualization and never felt like we were “just another number”.

- David and Melanie

We can hardly believe our daughter is almost five months old now. It seems like five minutes ago we were meeting her for the first time just after she was born.

- The DeLuca Family

I honestly
trust and believe in the adoption process thanks to loving professionals at ANLC. If ANYONE
needs reasurance and wants to hear in detail an amazing story we have, I
would love to share our experience and help them. God Bless all of you who
help make dreams come true.

- Augusto and Rose

We loved ANLC. Everyone was very informative and friendly.

- Ryan and Tracie

Nine days later we were holding our son Anthony. Yes, the Adoption Network Law Center placed us with our healthy newborn son in approximately nine weeks!!

- Mia, Mike and Anthony

We are so very happy. You have to feel pretty darn good about what you do for people. This match was perfect. We strongly feel that God made Ian for us. He is perfect in every way. We are so deeply in love with him. Marie can’t stop kissing him and Tim loves to just hold Ian from the time he gets home from work to the time he goes to bed. He makes Ian smile and laugh with just glance. The three of us are the happiest family on this earth.

- Tim and Marie

To all the Wonderful Staff form Adoption Network Law
Center.  There are no words that can describe how grateful we are
with each one of you!!!  After many years of treatments and failed adoption

- Emilio and Carmen


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